SOPSEC - Sociedade de Prestação de Serviços de Engenharia Civil, S.A.

SOPSEC - Sociedade de Prestação de Serviços de Engenharia Civil, S.A.
Address: Rua do Emissor, 110 4400-436 VILA NOVA DE GAIA
Date of establishment: 25-03-1988
Registered Capital: 300.000 €
Turnover: 6.086.979 € (2023)
Certifications: - NP EN ISO 9001:2015 – SGQ
- Quality Managing Company (LNEC) – Certificate nº 12/2022 (in force)
Permanent Personnel: Total: 115 Graduates: 96 Other Technicians: 12 Administrative: 7
Board of Directors: - José Manuel Amorim Faria, Civil Eng.
- Hipólito Campos de Sousa, Civil Eng.
- Rui Calejo Rodrigues, Civil Eng.
Directors: - Diogo Leite, Civil Eng.
- Maria Cristina Faria, Civil Eng.
- Vítor Santos, Civil Eng.
In 1988, the actual managing partners established SOPSEC. The aim of this partnership is to provide services in several fields of Civil Engineering such as consultancy, elaboration and management of projects and equipment of Civil Engineering, directly or indirectly, in an exclusive and independent way.
In order to fulfil its activity, the firm depends on several modern resources needed in the job activity. SOPSEC S.A. is a certified enterprise since the 22nd October 2002 (ISO 9001), and is qualified as Constructions Investment General Manager by LNEC since 2003.
