PROSPECTIVA - Projectos, Serviços, Estudos, S.A.

PROSPECTIVA - Projectos, Serviços, Estudos, S.A.
Address: Rua Major Neutel de Abreu, 16 A/B/C 1500-411 LISBOA
Date of establishment: 28-11-1986
Registered Capital: 500.200 €
Turnover: 8.900.791 € (2023)
Certifications: - Certified in accordance with NP EN ISO 9001:2015 (Quality), NP EN ISO 14001:2015 (Environment) and ISO 45001:2018 (Safety) standards
- Certificate of qualification as General quality manager of construction works - LNEC - National Laboratory of Civil Engineering
- National Industrial Certified Security in Confidential Degree / Individual Certified Security in NATO Confidential Degree
- PME Leader 2015, 2018, 2020, 2021 and PME Excellence 2010 by IAPMEI
- World Bank Seller (ID 149802)
Permanent Personnel: Total: 196 Graduates: 168 Other Technicians: 28
Board of Directors: - Luis Filipe Oliveira Brito, Civil Eng.
- Maria do Pilar C. Carvalho Luz Brito
PROSPECTIVA is an engineering consulting company with 45 years of experience, with around 200 people at its service, 6.8 M€ of turnover and two areas of activity: Studies, Projects and Management of Engineering and Supervision Projects of Enterprises. For more information, visit