PROCESL - Engenharia Hidráulica e Ambiental, S.A.

PROCESL - Engenharia Hidráulica e Ambiental, S.A.
Address: Alfrapark - Estrada do Seminário, 4 - Edifício C, Piso 1 Sul 2614-523 AMADORA
Date of establishment: 30-04-1986
Registered Capital: 149.650 €
Turnover: 3.233.178 € (2023)
Certifications: - Certificated according to NP EN ISO 9001:2008 and NP EN ISO 14001:2004 Standards. Certifications issued by APCER

- General Quality Manager Construction Contracts – Hydraulic Works (class 7) Trademark Quality LNEC
Permanent Personnel: Total: 210 Graduates: 186 Other Technicians: 20 Administrative: 4
Board of Directors: - Nuno Alexandre Costa
- João Alexandre Palma Silveira Costa
- Nuno Miguel Batista Martins
- Tiago Miguel Paiva Costa
Directors: - Abílio Castro, Eng. - Head of Waste and Water Utilities
- Carlos Fernandes Jorge, Eng. - Client Manager - Waste and Water Utilities
- José Vieira da Costa, Eng. - Client Manager - Waste and Water Utilities
- Nelson Briso, Eng. - Client Manager - Waste and Water Utilities
- Sofia Isabel Almeida, Eng. - Operations Director - Waste and Water Utilities
- Rita Martins, Eng. - Project Manager - Waste and Water Utilities
- David Sá Frias, Eng. - Team Leader - Hydraulic Infrastructures.

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PROCESL is one of the leading independent Portuguese consulting firms, with 44 years of experience in the areas of water utilities.

PROCESL has qualified engineers and technicians with extensive experience in the sectors in urban hydraulics, water resource planning, as well as river hydraulics, hydropower and hydro-agricultural developments.