NORMA-AÇORES, Sociedade de Estudos e Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Regional, S.A.

NORMA-AÇORES, Sociedade de Estudos e Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Regional, S.A.
Address: Rua Eng. José Cordeiro, 6 9504-522 PONTA DELGADA
Date of establishment: 29-12-1984
Registered Capital: 400.000 €
Turnover: 4.342.170 € (2023)
Certifications: - NP EN ISO 9001:2015
- NP EN ISO 14001:2015
- NP EN ISO 45001:2019
- NP EN ISO 17025:2018
Permanent Personnel: Total: 63 Graduates: 37 Other Technicians: 18 Administrative: 8
Board of Directors: - Artur Luís Ribeiro Gomes da Costa
- Mário Rui Velez da Silva Domingues
Norma-Açores, Sociedade de Estudos e Apoio ao Desenvolvimento Regional, S.A. (“NORMAAÇORES”) was founded on December 29, 1984 and officially began operations on April 01, 1985. Since then, the company has been working closely with and for regional bodies and local companies as a services provider, thus contributing to the strategic development of the Autonomous Region of Azores.