NEWTON C - Consultores de Engenharia, Lda.

NEWTON C - Consultores de Engenharia, Lda.
Address: Av. Fernão de Magalhães, 2345 4350-172 PORTO
Date of establishment: 26-09-1990
Registered Capital: 100.000 €
Turnover: 1.100.000 € (2023)
Certifications: - NP EN ISO 9001
- NP EN ISO 14001
Permanent Personnel: Total: 18 Graduates: 14 Other Technicians: 2 Administrative: 2
Board of Directors: José Carlos Basto Lino, Civil Eng.
Directors: - Sérgio Lopes, Financial Director
- Luís Castro, Technical Director
- João Vieira, Commercial Director
Newton – Consultores de Engenharia was founded in 1990 and consolidated a development and optimization methodology. Specialized in the area of ​​Structural Engineering, Newton has progressively assumed the role of coordinator of all specialties, acting as a qualified interlocutor with architecture teams and project owners.

We have brought together a team of professionals with high competence and specialization in Projects and Engineering Coordination that we make available to all partners to overcome the challenges that current projects always pose. Newton has been using the BIM methodology in its projects for over 15 years, always interested in monitoring and innovating in this area. As evidence, the most diverse works of housing, commercial, industrial and infrastructure projects are part of its portfolio.
  • updated 20-06-2024
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