NEMUS - Gestão e Requalificação Ambiental, Lda.

NEMUS - Gestão e Requalificação Ambiental, Lda.
Address: Estrada do Paço do Lumiar - Campus do Lumiar - Edifício D 1649-038 LISBOA
Date of establishment: 06-03-1997
Registered Capital: 74.820 €
Turnover: 1.534.480 € (2023)
Permanent Personnel: Total: 28 Graduates: 26 Administrative: 2
Board of Directors: Pedro Bettencourt Correia, Geologist
Carlos de Sousa Abecasis, Civil Eng.
Directors: Pedro Bettencourt Correia, Geologist
Established in 1997, Nemus is an international consulting firm in engineering and environment with an important experience in management and planning of water resources, environmental assessment and requalification, economic and social development and nature conservation, while continuously pursuing the most efficient and sustainable solutions.
Team spirit, technical ability and the creativity of the collaborators, allows Nemus to be a flexible and innovative company, where customer