MC2E - Consultores de Engenharia, Lda.

MC2E - Consultores de Engenharia, Lda.
Address: Rua Rei Ramiro, 870 - 1º D, Edifício ViaGaia
Date of establishment: 04-02-1998
Registered Capital: 65.000 €
Turnover: 1.350.000 € (2023)
Certifications: Norm NP EN ISO 9001-2015, for APCER
Permanent Personnel: Total: 28 Graduates: 23 Other Technicians: 4 Administrative: 1
Board of Directors: Irene Vila Moutinho, Civil Eng.
Rui Ernesto Figueiredo, Civil Eng.
MC2E is a private consulting engineering company, created in Porto, January 1998, proceeding the work on this area undertaken by its associates. The founder members were always deeply connected to civil engineering and construction activity, always performing roles that demanded not only the skills they possessed as graduates in civil engineering but also those skills inherent to the organization and business management. Along with the other elements of the consulting team, present a record of great moral and professional competence, as well as a wealth of experience in their specialty fields.

MC2E activity guide goal is modernizing knowledge on methodology and vanguard techniques in the diverse areas in which they operate, in order to create a competitive edge in the market, as a practical to add an important bonus to the services that they provide. MC2E acts with complete independence from industrial or financial groups in their technologies' selection that better fits to their needs in each kind of work as well as the clients’ needs.

In the international markets, MC2E can operate in different countries, having already local structure in Mozambique, through MC2E Consultoria & Engenharia Limitada, a Mozambican Company and in Algeria through a permanent establishment.