JSJ - Consultoria e Projectos de Engenharia, Lda.

JSJ - Consultoria e Projectos de Engenharia, Lda.
Address: Av. Duque de Ávila, 66 - 2º 1050–083 LISBOA
Date of establishment: 10-04-1990
Registered Capital: 10.000 €
Turnover: 1.181.586 € (2023)
Certifications: NP EN ISO 9001:2015
Permanent Personnel: Total: 16 Graduates: 16 Other Technicians: 1 Administrative: 1
Board of Directors: - João Almeida, Civil Eng.
- José Câmara, Civil Eng.
- Miguel Lourenço, Civil Eng.
Directors: - João Almeida, Civil Eng.
- José Câmara, Civil Eng.
- Miguel Lourenço, Civil Eng.
JSJ – Consultoria e Projectos de Engenharia is a company specialized in the design of concrete, steel and other materials structures, which has been operating in the market since 1990. We are involved with the main projects carried out in Portugal and have had important international experiences, mainly in Brazil and in Angola.

Our technical staff includes specialists with recognized experience in the various areas of structural engineering and our involvement and experience in a wide range of designing new projects, rehabilitation and structural reinforcements, project reviews, supervision of works, etc., enables us to dealing with all kinds of issues with regard to structural situations.
  • updated 28-06-2024
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