JETsj - Geotecnia, Lda.

JETsj - Geotecnia, Lda.
Address: Rua Julieta Ferrão, 12 - Esc. 1501 1600-131 LISBOA
Date of establishment: 24-11-2004
Registered Capital: 35.500 €
Turnover: 2.314.630 € (2023)
Permanent Personnel: Total: 15 Graduates: 14 Other Technicians: 1
Board of Directors: Alexandre da Luz Pinto, Civil Eng.
Rui Tomásio, Civil Eng.
JETsj - Geotecnia Lda is a company founded in 2004, focused on the design, training, technical support and supervision of geotechnical engineering solutions. Our main goal is the satisfaction of our clients on a partnership attitude, helping them taking the best technical and economical solutions.