HIDRA - Hidráulica e Ambiente, Lda.

HIDRA - Hidráulica e Ambiente, Lda.
Address: Av. Defensores de Chaves, 31 - 1º Esq. 1000-111 LISBOA
Date of establishment: 01-05-1992
Registered Capital: 10.000 €
Turnover: 1.288.024 € (2023)
Permanent Personnel: Total: 12 Graduates: 12
Board of Directors: José Manuel de Saldanha Gonçalves Matos, Master, Doctorate and Aggregation in Civil Engineering from IST
HIDRA is a limited liability company whose corporate object is the provision of planning, management, studies, consultancy and design services in the areas of hydraulics engineering, sanitation, environment, architecture and visual communication.
  • updated 22-05-2024
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