GRAVIDADE International, Lda.

GRAVIDADE International, Lda.
Address: Via do Oriente, 18 - Piso 1, E3 1990-514 LISBOA
Date of establishment: 22-10-2004
Registered Capital: 5.000 €
Turnover: 323.384 € (2023)
Permanent Personnel: Total: 7 Graduates: 6 Other Technicians: 1
Board of Directors: Rui Mestre, Civil Eng.
Directors: Rui Mestre, Civil Eng.
Marta Gameiro, Civil Eng.
Gravidade is an engineering and consultancy company that provides specialized services in structural and foundation engineering. Founded in Lisbon in 2004, it is an independent firm with international experience in complex projects that require a high level of specialization and coordination.
  • updated 22-05-2024
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