GEOVIA - Consultores de Geotecnia, S.A.

GEOVIA - Consultores de Geotecnia, S.A.
Address: Rua João Saraiva, 32 1700-250 LISBOA
Date of establishment: 23-09-1997
Registered Capital: 350.000 €
Turnover: 4.459.490 € (2023)
Permanent Personnel: Total: 23 Graduates: 15 Other Technicians: 6 Administrative: 2
Board of Directors: - João Pedro Fernandes do Espírito Santo, Eng.
- Nuno Miguel Matos Braga da Silva, Eng.
- Pedro Miguel Lobão Jervis do Nascimento, Eng.
- Eduardo Manuel de Mira Fernandes, M.Sc. Eng.
Directors: Executive Board:
Eduardo Mira Fernandes, M.Sc. Eng. (Technical Director)
Pedro Nascimento, Eng. (Executive Board)
Nuno Matos Silva, Eng. (Adm. and Financial Directorate)

Delegations in the world

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GEOVIA is a consulting company that develops engineering studies and projects in the area of geology and geotechnics, having specific know-how in underground works and road and airport pavements. It also provides technical assistance services, supervision and quality control of construction works.

It has a permanent staff of qualified technicians specialised in its areas of activity and has a vast international experience

  • updated 22-05-2024
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