GCS - Gabinete de Consultores e Serviços, Lda.

GCS - Gabinete de Consultores e Serviços, Lda.
Address: Rua Frei Bartolomeu dos Mártires, 24 B 2780-093 OEIRAS
Date of establishment: 28-02-1983
Registered Capital: 5.000 €
Turnover: 140.000 € (2023)
Permanent Personnel: Total: 3 Graduates: 3 Other Technicians: 2 Administrative: 1
Board of Directors: Gilberto Cebola de Sousa, Civil Eng.
Directors: Ricardo Jorge Cabrita de Sousa, Civil Eng.

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GCS – Gabinete de Consultores e Serviços Lda., company founded in February 1983, has a second generation of technicians on its staff.

The company has invested heavily in technological modernization, acquiring sophisticated equipment for analysis, calculation, design and treatment of information, also investing heavily in the training and preparation of its technical staff.